Black Plums Lime Popsicles

Colours make everything so beautiful! 

It is full of flavours, reminds me of kala khatta ice gola. I added mint leaves, lemon juice, pink salt, chaat masala, sugar to Black plums pulp. It makes me remember of my childhood days. 

I’m sharing a quick recipe to make jamun lemon popsicle and hope you all enjoy making it too.


Are you a Popsicle lover too?



  • 1 cup black plums/ jamun
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp mint leaves 
  • 2-3 tbsp sugar or as per taste 
  • 1/2 tsp pink salt 
  • 1/2 tsp chaat masala 
  • 1.5 cups water


  1. Wash and deseed the black plums/ jamuns.
  2. Now put this deseeded Jamuns in a blender. Add sugar, black salt, chaat masala, lemon juice, mint leaves, water and blend together. (Sugar can be totally avoided for diabetes patient or sugar free/ maple syrup can be used.)
  3. Strain the mixture.
  4. Fill into popsicle moulds, cover and refrigerate till set.
  5. When ready to serve, put the popsicle mould in a water for 10 seconds and take out the popsicle gently.
  6. Serve immediately!


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