Black Plums/ Jamun Lime Mojito

Keep calm and stay hydrated!
Jamun mojito is a combination of sweetness, citrus, and mint flavors is intended to complement the soda. Jamun helps in digestive ailments, controlling diabetes, helping with heart disease, increase in haemoglobin production, good for skin and teeth and many more other benefits.
Enjoy the picture and color!!
Prep time: 10 minutes
Total time: 10 minutes
Serves: 2

  • 1/2 cup black plums, deseeded
  • 2 lemons (squeeze the juice) + sliced lemon for garnishing
  • Sprig of mint leaves for garnishing 
  • 3 tbsp caster sugar
  • 1/4 tsp black salt
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 6 ice cubes, crushed
  • 1 cup drinking soda water


  1. In a blender, combine deseeded black plums, caster sugar, black salt, salt, lemon juice and blend all the ingredients well.
  2. Now take 2 glasses, pour the  mixture and fill it with crushed ice.
  3. Pour 1/2 cup drinking soda water in each glass and mix well.
  4. Garnish with a slice of a lemon, black plum and a small sprig of mint leaves.
  5. Black plums lime mojito is ready to drink. 


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