Black plum/jamun lime shots

It is a refreshing and healthy drink prepared from jamun which is a summer fruit and has amazing health benefits. Jamun helps in digestive ailments, controlling diabetes, helping with heart disease, increase in haemoglobin production, good for skin and teeth and many more other benefits.
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Total time: 10 minutes
Serves: 4

  • 1 cup black plum/ jamun
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2-3 tbsp sugar as per taste 
  • 1/2 tsp black salt 
  • 12-14 ice cubes, crushed
  • 1-2 lemon wedges 
  • 2 tbsp normal salt, garnishing
  1. Wash and deseed the black plums/ jamuns.
  2. Now put this deseeded Jamuns in a blender, add ice cubes, sugar, black salt and lemon juice and blend together. (Sugar can be totally avoided for diabetes patient or sugar free/ maple syrup can be used.)
  3. Spread the salt in a plate. 
  4. Now take a lemon wedge and rub it on the brim of the shot glasses, now place the glass upside down in the salt plate. The salt will stick to the brim.
  5. Pour the drink in the shot glasses and garnish it with deseeded jamun pieces.
  6. Enjoy the refreshing and healthy jamun shots.


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